Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Wed, Sept 15 grammar/ quickwrite

 In class: Today is the last of the grammar reviews (for now); as well, this is the last quickwrite, (again for now).

          At this point you should have turned in Monday and Tuesday's classwork. In your notebook, there should be two quickwrite responses.

           When you have finished today, please again collect your notebook. On page three, respond to "Should one fear failure."

Make sure you have your chromebook with you tomorrow and Friday. You will definitely need it!

Generally, fewer is used when the number of things is counted ("fewer problems") whereas less is used when the number is measured ("less trouble" or "less time"). ... The fact is that less is also sometimes used to refer to number among things that are counted.

Wednesday, September 15   Grammar exercise / notebook writing prompt

Please complete the following practice / review exercise. Take your time. When you have finished, on page three of your class notebook, write out the a response to the following prompt: Should one fear failure? This is to be a minimum of honors class: 150 words; regents class: 100

* It goes like this: fewer is used to refer to number among things that are counted, as in "fewer choices" and "fewer problems"; less is used to refer to quantity or amount among things that are measured, as in "less time" and "less effort."

Direction: Circle the correct word in each sentence below.

1. The cook suddenly wished she had added (fewer  less ) soy sauce.


2. I wish we were given (fewer    less ) pages for homework.


3. I wish we were given (fewer    less ) homework.


4. David found that (fewer   less ) spoonfuls helped the mixture.


5. Did you know that I've read (fewer   less ) than half of my books?


6. Give me (fewer   less ) slices of pizza.


7. Jennifer later discovered that her brother had bought (fewer   less ) textbooks than she.


8. Tomorrow, class, please bring in (fewer   less ) leaves than you brought today.


9. I found that I had spilled (fewer   less ) soda than I had thought.


10. Perhaps (fewer   less ) than six computers will be set up.


11. (Fewer  Less ) people signed up for the march than we expected.


12. This year I will buy (fewer  less ) plants for my garden.


13. The shirt feels much (fewer  less ) bulky now that the tailor taken it in.


14. During this past storm, (fewer  less ) snow fell.


15. During this past storm, (fewer  less ) accidents occurred.


16. When the clerk counted the money, she found (fewer  less ) coins than before.


17. This part of the symphony requires much (fewer  less ) instrumentation than the earlier part.


18. After the loggers went through the land, there were considerably (fewer  less ) trees in the south field.


19. Please give me (fewer  less ) sugar than you gave him.


20. Please give me (fewer  less ) sugar cubes than you gave him.

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Friday/ Tuesday Jan 7/ 10 "The Story of an Hour" (zoom) story and graphic organizer

  Please join your class zoom meeting at the correct time. You must log in to receive attendance credit for the day.    Dorothy.Parker@RCSDK...