Thursday, September 9, 2021

Friday, Sept 9: class policies, grading and IDIOMS


Day 2...and it's a Friday

In class: Please hand in your information sheet from yesterday, collecting notebooks, and color idiom practice.

General class expectations:

On time and ready to work

You will need your chromebook everyday. With the exception of this upcoming week, most everything will be submitted through google docs.

Always and forever: considerate, conscientious and kind to each other. Life is a challenge, do not make it more so for anyone. 

People thrive in a supportive environment.



Writing / summative assessments (this includes the quickwrites in your notebooks). 50%

Quizzes / short responses. 40 %

Homework: quite minimal. 10%


As I shared with you yesterday, believing I would not be  working in school this fall, I made travel plans last February. For that reason, Mr. O'Reilly, who I am sure you have worked with in the past, will be with you next week. I have prepared everything for you. 


Notebooks: on the side table, 1) collect one of the college-ruled notebooks. Write your name legibly on the cover

 and then 2) neatly place it on the five-tiered shelf corresponding to your class. You will be using these next Monday through Wednesday in class, as well as routinely throughout the year.



What is an idiom?

An idiom is a phrase or expression that typically presents a figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase; although some phrases become figurative idioms while retaining the literal meaning of the phrase.

Let's look at color idioms  

Class handout/ group work

Each of you have a copy. Make sure your name is on the top. How many can you get done in class?


Colors color our language—and that is not just a pigment of the imagination.  Think of the words we used to describe how we feel.  At various times we are green with envy, gray with exhaustion, red with embarrassment or white with rage. We can fall into a black mood, a purple passion or a blue funk; when things start looking up, we feel in the pink.

Here’s a golden opportunity for you to show your true colors by ranging over the rainbow of hues that color everyday expressions. Complete each phrase with a color.  Most colors will appear more than once.

 The spectrum

black             blue           rose           green     lime      silver     brown      pink     white

gold               purple       yellow       gray        red



  1. _______________________ mail
  2. a bolt from the ______________________
  3. a _______________________horn
  4. a _______________________-bellied coward
  5. ______________________ grass music
  6. good as _______________________
  7. true ______________________
  8. once in a _________________________ moon
  9. the __________________-carpet treatment
  10. singing the _________________________ s
  11. caught _________________-handed.
  12. Every cloud has a ___________________ lining.
  13. ________________________ tape
  14. He looks at the world through ______________________-colored glasses.
  15. The star loves always being in the ____________________ light.
  16. beaten _____________________ and ________________________
  17. People who hallucinate are said to see  _________________________elephants.
  1. The committee gave her proposal the __________________________ light.
  2. __________________________ oldies
  3. the _________________________ sheep of the family
  4. a __________________________ letter day.
  5. ___________________________ blood.
  6. _______________________ thumb.
  7. _________________________ neck
  8. a ____________________ guard
  9.  paint  the town _____________________
  10. talking a ____________________ streak
  11. Silence is _________________________ en.
  12. to _____________________ wash the truth
  13. to _______________________- bag it.
  14. Off-color jokes are called _____________________ jokes.
  15. ________________________ points.
  16. ________________________ journalism.
  17. When a business makes a profit it is said to be in the ________________________.
  18. Mary is a genius; she clearly has lots of _____________________ matter.
  19. A woman with intellectual or literary interests is said to be a ________________                                            stocking.
  1. a _________________ cent.
  2. _____________________ as grass
  3. Evil is _____________________ magic.
  4. The boss is so angry she is seeing ___________________________.
  5. ____________________ laws.
  6. _____________________- chip stocks.
  7. _____________________ area
  8. I hope you are tickled ____________________ by how well you answered these.


Friday/ Tuesday Jan 7/ 10 "The Story of an Hour" (zoom) story and graphic organizer

  Please join your class zoom meeting at the correct time. You must log in to receive attendance credit for the day.    Dorothy.Parker@RCSDK...