Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday, Sept 27: denote and connote

 HousekeepingPease make sure you keep up with your assignments. If there is a ZERO, that means I did not receive the work.  Remember that we are using a class blog. You can always copy and paste work from the blog onto a google document and share with me. Don't forget to give sharing permission!

Remember that if you have an illegal absence, your work is considered late.

Missing work. You will see a zero as a holding place, until such time as you turn in your work for a maximum of 75 points.


Assignments so far this year:

Grammar: fewer/ less

                 there, they're, their

                 than, then

Three quick writes:  "If Only" , Should One Fear Failure, What IS Your Most Loveable Quality?

About Me Slide

Point of View exercise

Serena Williams questions / vocabulary sentences


In class: 

to denote-(verb)-what is indicated or signified
to connote (verb)-what is implied beyond the primary meaning of a word. 





  1. Choose the correct word in each sentence below. 

    _____1. Hollywood (A.  B.  ) romance and glittering success.

    _____2. When politicians answer questions, hesitation may (A. connote) 
  2.  (B. denote) weakness or ignorance on a topic.

    ______3. A flashing yellow light on a highway (A. connotes) 
  3. (D. denotes) caution.

    _______4. The term skinny has a negative (A.connotation B. denotation ) while "slender" has a positive one.

    ______5. Fuel (A. connotes B. denotes ) a substance burned to produce heat or power.

    ______6. To some, the word school (A. connotes B. denotes ) confinement, but it may suggest intellectual excitement or sociability to others.

    _______7. The (A. connotative  B. denotative ) meanings of words are usually neutral.

    ______8. Both cheap and inexpensive (A. connotes  B. denotes ) something that has a low price.

    _______9. The word beach (A. connotes  B. denotes ) a sandy shore.

    _______10. Because the (A.connotation B. denotation)                 of pushy and assertive are quite different, the two words are not interchangeable.

    ______11. The word father1.  (A. connotes B. denotes ) affection.

  4. ______12. Solid (A. connotes B. denotes ) that something is neither gaseous nor liquid.

  5. ______13. The term liberal has taken on many (A. connotations B. denotations) in recent years.

    _______14. Pushy has a negative (A. connotation  B. denotation ) while assertive is usually positive.

  6. ______15. Red flares are used to (A. connote B.denote) danger.
Independent Practice... class handout. If you are absent, you can simply highlight the following; then copy onto a google doc; then share directly with me, making sure to give me sharing permission. (address above).

For the italicized word, the denoted word, in each of the following  eight sentences,

give two potentially positive and two negative connotations. If there is an

unfamiliar word, look it up. See model                                                                

  1. I recognized the familiar smell of my roommate's cooking.








2.    2.   Scrapple is an inexpensive meal.




3. Kevin's interest in model cars has turned into a hobby.




4.      Uncle Henry lives in a hut deep in the woods.




5.      My parents are committed conservationists.




6.      My old laptop has finally died.




7.      The teacher was mildly intimidated by Roland's assertive behavior




9.      Phileas Fogg was an adventurous traveler.





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  Please join your class zoom meeting at the correct time. You must log in to receive attendance credit for the day.    Dorothy.Parker@RCSDK...