Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Wed/Thurs, Oct 6/7 writing reflection on prejudice


A preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience

Some of the most well-known types of prejudice include:

1.Racism -prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

2.. Sexism-prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

3. Ageism-refers to negative discriminatory practices against old people, people in their middle years, teenagers and children.

4. Classism-prejudice against or in favor of people belonging to a particular social class

5.  Homophobia-dislike of or prejudice against gay people

6. Nationalism-identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

7. Religious prejudice.-note that prejudice  towards Jews is called anti-Semitism and prejudice  towards Muslims is called Islamophobia

8.  Xenophobia.- fear of foreigners or other cultures

9. Physical ableism is hate or discrimination based on a person's physical appearance. Mental ableism is discrimination based on mental health conditions and cognitive differences.

In class: written reflection on a prejudice and discrimination.
         Two paragraphs. Minimum of 250 words total (more is welcomed)

               Due by 6 pm Thursday, October 7  You have classtime Wednesday/ Thursday.

                You will receive two writing grades: one for content and one for language conventions. That is spelling, capitalization and punctuation.

                Make sure to proof read. One of the most effective ways is to read your work aloud-even if it is only in your head.

As this is your first formal writing, you will create a google doc following the correct MLA format.            
Directions:  To begin. You must use a correct MLA heading remember that the work is always double-spaced)
                     Your name
                     Instructor name
                     English II- ( ),  Discrimination
                     Date: 7 October 2021

Please note carefully the international date format. There is no punctuation. This goes on the top left of your document.
                       Use Times New Roman font
                        Size 12

Remember to give me persmission. Check the sharing.
From the list above, select one type of prejudice
                     Paragraph one

                    1. You will begin with a hook sentence to grab the
                         reader and introduce your theme or central
                         idea, which is prejudice and discrimination.

(consider a generic / general statement about what prejudice is and how the harm affects or impacts society and individuals.)

                    2.  In your next sentence you will narrow down to 
                          your chosen topic. Read the definition; then put 
                          this in your own  words; paraphrase what that  

                    3. Conclude this paragraph by responding in general
                         terms to the impact of this prejudice. Think who,

                     Paragraph 2
                     1.  YOU NEED to transition* into your next  
                          paragraph to focus on two potential scenarios or 
                          situations where someone might experience 
                          discrimination. Consider social, economic,
                          political or educational. This is a short writing 
                          assignment, so choose only two and write a 
                          succint (clear and to the point) example.

                      2. Your last one or two sentences should be a 
                          statement on what happens when one is not 
                          prejudice. This will depend upon your topic 


Make sure to proof read! I suggest strongly that you read what your wrote aloud. Capitalization? Correct Punctuation? Spelling? 

You will not need to use "I think, I believe" or any other iteration of these words. You make a statement. You are supporting this. 

Avoid it! When you want to use this pronoun, select a synonym. 

Any time you start your sentence with If (I, he, she, they), use were. If takes the subjunctive tense.

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